Lecture on ''The issue of piracy in Africa (Somalia)'' at New York College

16 March 2016

In providing students and friends of New York College further training and information on the issue of Maritime Piracy, the School of Maritime Studies proudly invited an expert in the field, Mr John Chortis, on March the 7th 2016 at our Kallithea building to discuss: ''The issue of piracy in Africa (Somalia)''. Mr Chortis is a Captain (retired) of the Hellenic Coast Guard, with invaluable experience in the feld.

He presented the issue of piracy especially in the Somali region, where up to 2012, the region reached its highest piracy rates. Through his lecture he shared his experiences on the ways Somali pirates attack vessels, and when succesful seek monetary remuneration for the release of the ship and its crew.

He further explained the legal framework in which the Internatioal Maritime Organisation (I.M.O) has saught to amend and update Convetions (such as the ISPS Code) to protect vessels in the best way possible; through to the introduction of Ship Security Officers for all passing through dangerous waters.

Then, the speaker emphasized that from the period 2012 until today, the rates of piracy have been reduced significantly in the region (although not completely eliminated) through non-state organizations of African countries. Lastly students and alumni had the chance to ask questions relating to piracy, and its shift to other regions around Africa. A drinks reception followed. 


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