Dimitrios Chatzitheodosiou

Dimitrios Chatzitheodosiou

Bachelor in Business Administration/Marketing & Communication, IUKB.

After completing my degree in Theatre Studies and Theatre Direction at the School of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, I joined New York College Thessaloniki and studied for the Bachelor in Business Administration, specializing in Marketing and Communication.  My major prepared me for the labor market in two ways: first by getting me involved in the contemporary business reality and environment, and secondly, by giving me the opportunity to comprehend the theories behind modern business practices, allowing me to take a critical stance towards them, thus being able to develop my own viewpoints and decision making thinking.

What I liked about the program can be summarized in three qualities, i.e., consistency, personality, and diversity; Consistency because of the carefully planned learning objectives, methods and outcomes for each module; Personality because every instructor brought their own experience and personality to the class, and this mixture of personalities and different views and opinions created an interesting academic environment, many times contentious but ultimately rewarding and beneficial to all of us.  Diversity was also important because although the program was carefully planned, there was tolerance for students to reach beyond the planned, think out of the box and explore their own creative ideas.

I think that my college experience triggered the further development of my skills in a friendly (most of the times) and protective environment where one can make mistakes. I was able to cross-mix theatric forms with advertising, business presentations and even economics and academic theories, I was able to challenge experienced business executives and measure my skills, I built confidence, I led teams, I taught and I was taught.

I am currently working at my own consulting/constructing firm “SYNTHESIS Ltd. The company is currently opening up into the field of advertising/social media and culture productions. I also work as a freelance performance director and performer, writing many of my presented works.  Also, I am currently studying for the MBA degree in at NYC again and aiming for a PhD in Philosophy in an interdisciplinary field of studies.


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