CELTA Application Form

Thank you for your interest in our CELTA courses.

We advise you to research the course online to make sure it is appropriate for you before applying; the interview process also seeks to make sure you are fully informed and eligible.

  • Complete the application form Part A and we will send you the Language Awareness tasks Part B –the interviewer (CELTA certified trainer) will then get back to you with comments, we politely request that you word-process Part B.
  • Return the application Part B to
    We will contact you as soon as possible (within 5 days) to arrange an interview ether face to face or Skype.
  • Half an hour before the Interview you will be sent a language awareness task.
  • At the end of the interview, you will usually be informed of the result of your application.
  • We will contact you to confirm the offer of a place and deal with payment and administrative details.
    Your place is not finally confirmed until you have paid your deposit.
  • You will be given some suggestions for Pre-Course Reading – these are reproduced below. Please note that some of the grammar books will be helpful for you in completing the application tasks – using them demonstrates the ability to research and is not seen as cheating!

Grammar books:

  • "Practical English Usage", Michael Swan, OUP.
  • "Grammar for English Language Teachers", Martin Parrott, CUP.
  • "Essential Grammar in Use", Raymond Murphy, CUP (this one is for CPs who have never studied English grammar – normally native speakers).
  • "How English Works", Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, OUP.

If you feel you are particularly weak on Language Awareness, the following online courses may be useful for you:

  • “Grammar for Language Teachers” from – This is a lengthy course with several video presentations – you can view a sample but then it has to be paid for – the latest available fee was £19.99.
  • - This is a free course which is recommended by several CELTA Centres.

Methodology books: choose from the following – if you are short of time, the last named is easiest and quickest to read:

  • "Learning Teaching", Jim Scrivener, Macmillan Heinemann (new edition 2005).
  • "The Practice of English Language Teaching", Jeremy Harmer, Longman.
  • "How to Teach English", Jeremy Harmer, Longman.

In submitting this form, I declare that all information provided is complete, accurate and truthful.


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