UNYT students meet Mr. Edi Rama, the Albanian Prime Minister at question and answer session, hosted at the University of New York Tirana.

17 June 2014

Hundreds of UNYT students and graduates welcomed the Prime Minister of Albania in an open meeting on June 9, 2014. After a warm speech by the President of UNYT, Mr. Elias Foutsis, students structured and presented their own questions to Mr. Edi Rama. The questions were based upon the contemporary issues that Albania is facing like the EU integration, monetary policies, the draft law on higher education, investments on knowledge and culture, advices on leadership and succeeding, and the longstanding issue of youth contribution to the progress of the country. The Prime Minister, in front of an on looking audience took his time to carefully answer all of them. The answers Mr. Rama gave, outlined a range of current and future policies, which have been setup to solve the issues raised.

Students spoke in detail about the experience and what it meant for them, “It was a great experience, one of the best of our lives. The Prime Minister really handled the questions well; he gave a good insight into youth issues and his plan for addressing the issues was awesome.”
It was a great day for the students, an experience that will hopefully inspire them to reach their future goals.
In addition to meeting Mr. Rama, the students, had the opportunity to take selfie pictures with him in a friendly mode. 

The Prime Minister of Albania, Hon. Mr. Edi Rama addressing the UNYT students.


The UNYT (New York College Educational Group) President Mr. Elias Foutsis and the Hon. Prime Minister of Albania 


UNYT Students participating at the event.


Students being addressed by the Prime Minister of Albania.


The Event took place at the UNYT  yard area.


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