
Why study Cognitive Neuroscience?

12 May 2024

Why study Cognitive Neuroscience?

In an ever-changing environment the adjustment of human behaviour is primarily reflected on the100 billions of neural cells of the human brain that are constantly in a dynamic state. Contemporary technology and the continuously growing body of the Neuroscience advancements bring to light sound evidence of the reciprocal relationship between brain and behaviour.

12 May 2024

Embarking on the Journey of English Language Teaching (ELT)

English Language Teaching (ELT) stands as a diverse and captivating field, drawing individuals from various backgrounds, each propelled by unique motivations and ambitions.

08 May 2024

The potential benefits of Peer Mentoring

Peer counseling or Mentoring is a system of giving and receiving help between people of similar age and social identity and is based on the basic principles of mutual respect, responsibility and understanding. The word "Peer" in Greek does not convey very well what we want to say. It is the translation of the English Peer and symbolizes people who are in the same life phase or coping with the same life transition. Classmates in a school, but also students of a University of all years, are classmates. Peer is the 18-year-old freshman and the 35-year-old who comes to the same department to study as a mature graduate student.

12 March 2024

New York College, School of Business: Combining Education and Innovation

In today's modern business world, New York College's School of Business is emerging as an innovative driver to excellence. With a progressive approach to education and innovation, the faculty creates an enabling environment for the development of future leaders and professionals in the field of business Management.

12 March 2024

Compassion Focused Therapy: Counteracting shame and self criticism

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) developed by Paul Gilbert in 2000 is considered part of the “third wave” of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies emphasizing mindfulness, acceptance, values and goals. It was developed primarily for individuals who struggle with shame and self-criticism seen in a range of psychological difficulties (Gilbert and Irons, 2004) and is an integrative therapy drawing from various approaches like neuroscience, developmental, social, evolutionary psychology and Buddhist traditions. It has gained more popularity with increased research over the last ten years( Craig et al., 2020) demonstrating its contribution to developing compassion that reduces clinical symptomatology (Millard et al.,2023).

06 February 2024

Lord Byron's Perilous Sailing to Messolonghi in the Greek War of Independence

Lord Byron in Albanian [Souliot] Dress, at the age of 25, after his graduation from the University of Cambridge (1809) and his tour of Ottoman Greece (1809-1811). Oil painting on canvas (1813) by Thomas Phillips (1770-1845), National Gallery of Greece.


A remarkable episode in Byron’s Odyssey in Greece

200 years ago



09 January 2024

Why Study Psychology? Is this the University major for you?

There are many reasons to study Psychology. For instance, to gain a better understanding of people around you, to gain a better understanding of yourself and your potential, and not least because of the excellent career prospects offered to graduates.

02 August 2023

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